Ragout De Boulettes Canadian Meatballs

"This recipe was from a 1951 newspaper. It was a recipe from the dining car service of the Canadian railways. It has browned flour in it like Cajun roux so if you know how to make gumbo, you can make this. It has an interesting history and how to at end of recipe. They use this recipe with noodles or potatoes. I made this recipe with hamburger; it was awesome served with white rice"
photo by Boomette photo by Boomette
photo by Boomette
Ready In:
1hr 15mins




  • Brown finely chopped onion in bacon grease.
  • Add to ground pork along with celery, allspice, cinnamon, and cloves.
  • Shape into balls about 1-1/2 inches in diameter.
  • Roll in seasoned flour (flour, salt, and pepper combined).
  • Drop meatballs into boiling beef broth.
  • Reduce temperature; simmer for 1 hour.
  • Thicken remaining stock with browned flour; season to taste.

  • You may make beef stock or use boullion cubes and water.
  • Browned flour is something our Mothers and Grandmothers made. It is very simple to make by just stirring several tablespoons of flour back and forth in a dry medium hot skillet. This type of flour will not thicken as quickly as plain flour because the heat breaks down the starch cells. It takes 3 tablespoons of browned flour to do the work of 1-1/2 tablespoons of plain flour. 'Flour may be browned in a hot oven' is what recipe says; I don't know about that; I think it could burn pretty easy.

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  1. This was really a unique and flavorful meal! I made this with ground chuck, which seemed to work out nicely. The seasonings were really interesting to me and created a flavor profile that was new to me. The browned flour was also new. I wasn't sure how brown it was supposed to get, and brought it to a dark tan. The gravy still didn't get thick enough, though, so I ended up adding a tablespoon of cornstarch mixed in a 1/4 cup of water, which brought it to my desired consistency. I served this with brown rice and asparagus. Such a nice change of pace. Thanks for sharing! Made for PRMR Tag Game.
  2. Great flavors. It's perfect. I just omitted the salt. I like how it's cooked in the beef broth. No need to brown each meatballs. The seasonings are great. Thanks Dee :) Made for PRMR tag game


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