
Pronounced: ah-ROO-guh-lah

An herb with a with a peppery mustard flavor. The smooth dark green spiky leaves resemble dandelion leaves, and it is sold loose or banded in bunches. Younger, smaller arugula is milder tasting and less bitter. Arugula has traditionally been used in Italian cuisines. It's gaining popularity as an ingredient in fresh salads, but is also good with cheeses, sandwiches, chicken and tuna salads, egg dishes, pasta and tomato dishes, and sautéd vegetables.
Also called Rockette or Rocket in other countries


available year-round

How to select

Found in specialty markets or large supermarkets in bunches in the produce section. Leaves should be bright green.

How to store

Store in plastic in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

How to prepare

Prone to pick up lots of sand, arugula should be soaked and washed throughly to remove the grit.

Matches well with

avocado, butter, blue cheese, garlic, lemon, olive oil, Parmesan cheese, pasta, pears, pecans, pine nuts, potatoes, walnuts


Watercress, baby spinach, endive, dandelion greens, radicchio

Popular Arugula Recipes
