Green onion

Green onions are young shoots of bulb onions, and are milder tasting than large bulb onions. They have a small, not fully developed white bulb end with long green stalks. Both parts are edible. Scallions are considered younger than a green onion because they should not have a bulb, while green onions should have a miniature bulb.

Negi or naganegi onions, which translates into "long onions" are another variety.


Green onions


available year-round

How to select

Choose green onions with crisp, bright green tops and a firm white base.

How to store

Remove any rubber bands or damaged leaves, wrap in a plastic bag and store in the vegetable crisper section of the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Store away from odor-sensitive foods such as corn and mushrooms, which will absorb the odor of the onions.

How to prepare

Often eaten raw, but you can also grill or saute them.

Popular Green onion Recipes
