Amaretto Souffle

"A mouthwatering souffle with more than a hint of Amaretto liqueur."
photo by ChefLee photo by ChefLee
photo by ChefLee
Ready In:
1hr 5mins




  • Preheat oven to 400. Butter a 6 cup souffle dish and sprinkle with a little of the superfine sugar.
  • Put the cookies in a bowl. Sprinkle them with 2 tbsp of the Amaretto Liqueur, and set aside.
  • In another bowl, mix together the 4 egg yolks, 2 tbsp sugar and the flour.
  • Heat the milk just to a boil in a heavy saucepan. gradually add the hot milk to the egg mixture, stirring.
  • Pour the mixture back into the pan. Set over low heat and simmer gently for 3-4 minutes, or until thickened, stirring occasionally.
  • Add the remaining Amaretto liqueur. Remove from heat.
  • In an extremely clean, grease-free bowl, whisk the 5 egg whites until they hold soft peaks (if not using a copper bowl, add the cream of tartar as soon as the whites are frothy). Add the remaining sugar and continue whisking until stiff.
  • Add about one quarter of the whites to the liqueur mixture and stir in with a rubber spatula. Add the remaining whites and fold in gently.
  • Spoon half the mixture into the prepared souffle dish. Cover with a layer of the moistened cookies, then spoon the reaming souffle mixture on top.
  • Bake for 20 minutes or until the souffle is risen and lightly browned. Sprinkle with sifted confectioners' sugar and serve immediately.

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  1. I made a lot of mistakes with this one and I knew I wasn't going to get a good rise with it but that doesn't mean it doesn't taste good!!! I really had some bad luck today because while I was heating my egg and amaretto mixture on the stove, someone came to my door and well since I wasn't watching that mixture and stirring, I had some scrambled egg form. I turned that into a bowl before it got too far gone and I whipped those lumps out of the mix. Then, I somehow destabilized my egg whites, I never did get a proper stiff peak on my egg whites and if you overwhip them, they will really destabilize!!! Some of the reasons this happens are eggs are not at room temperature, lack of acid to the eggs; use, if you have one, a copper-lined bowl instead of cream of tartar, vinegar, or lemon juice-I know that the acids keep the whipped egg whites from liquefying. The bowl will do the job even better and give more loft to the eggs. I want to get a copper-lined mixing bowl so I can leave out the cream of tartar. This is a great recipe, I am going to be trying it again because the flavors are really amazing with the delicious layer of amaretti cookies and all that amaretto!! This is a great one to practice souffle skills on!!! I will conquer it, next time I will not answer the door if I am making souffle!!



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