Amazing Low Cal, Fat Free, Sugar Free Cheesecake

"After trying ENDLESS cheesecake recipes that promised to be healthy and yummy, but ended up tasting like health food, I decided to take this project into my own hands! I've experimented with several combination and finally found the perfect recipe for a healthy cheesecake that taste EXACTLY (if not better) like the real thing. I like to make my own fiber one pie crust, but feel free to use your own recipe or buy one from the store! Enjoy!"
photo by EyesForASkinnyFuture photo by EyesForASkinnyFuture
photo by EyesForASkinnyFuture
Ready In:
1hr 25mins
1 cheesecake




  • 24 hours in advance, you are going to need to make the yogurt into yocheese. Do this by placing a large strainer in a bowl. Line the strainer with a few layers of paper towels, and pour in the yogurt. Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator. This will allow the whey to drain from the yogurt, making the consistency much more firm.
  • After 24 hours has passed, you can begin by whipping the cream cheese in a large bowl.
  • Stir in the sugar substitute.
  • Add in the instant pudding, and mix well.
  • Stir out the lumps either by hand or place in blender. It is important that all lump are out and batter is smooth.
  • Pour in pie crust and refrigerate for an hour or until firm.

Questions & Replies

  1. Your directions never mention adding the yogurt/yo cheese. When should it be added in the directions? Should it be whipped or just mixed in?


  1. I have been trying to enter this review for 10 minutes, and once again we are plagued with another site Boo-Boo, what's new. I'm giving this a 5 star rating, but the stars won't stay lit up.I made this yesterday, after having drained the yogurt the day before. First of all, I chose to put mine in margarita glasses, thinking it a nice touch.I also chose to sprinkle crushed chocolate graham crackers over the tops, rather than make a crust.I tasted one of them last night. I was not impressed, in fact, I didn't like the after-taste. I really was prepared to dump them, but didn't want to bother with it last night. Today I took one out and decided to taste it again, before I dumped them. It is delicious! I took a picture and will get it posted soon. These make really pretty individual desserts parfait style. This is a really nice dessert for those who choose this type of dessert. Just make sure that you refrigerate them either all day or over night. Thanks so much for sharing.
  2. I used Greek Yogurt and omitted one step. Very creamy but firm.
  3. I created an account just to review this recipe...amazing. I did make the following modifications though: Started with fat free, strawberry cheesecake flavored yogurt (four individual 5.3oz Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurts--would only need three to get the 16oz called for in the recipe, but I wanted to ensure decent sized portions...cheesecake is my all-time favorite dessert and I miss it terribly). Strained for 24hrs--wrapped in cheesecloth and tied off into a taut ball--even though the Dannon is "Greek" and already thick...and quite a bit of water drained out. Beat into one container of fat free cream cheese with the cheesecake flavored Jell-O packet (omitting the Splenda completely, as the yogurt is already sweetened and I can't stand the aftertaste of large amounts of artificial sweetener anyway). You could stop here, but I made a graham cracker crust using three full sheets of low fat, honey graham crackers (1.5 servings, according to the box), crumbled and held together with two tbsp of plain, fat free Greek yogurt. It took a bit of mashing in the pie plate to get it to stick together (four crackers with three tbsp yogurt might work better), but worth the effort. Topped with the filling, chilled, and...wonderful. The texture is more really thick mousse than cheesecake, but it's the first out of countless attempts that satisfied the craving. 105 cal, 0.4g fat, 14g carbs and 6g sugar/serving if cut into eighths, and they're hefty portions. Something like 77 cal for just the filling without the crust. Will make again, and again, and again. The only change I might make would be to maybe use a sweetened yogurt for the crust, as it had a slight bitter taste to me, but now I'm just being picky as it's hardly noticeable. So great, and the first fat free, low cal dessert I've made in years that doesn't taste full of chemicals (though I know there are plenty in all that fat free/low calorie/fake sugar/diet stuff...for an occasional treat, totally worth it).
  4. I made this with both sugar free cheesecake and vanilla pudding and it was wonderful with both. I use homemade yogurt and cream cheese. I also served it as a parfait since I do not care for the crust that much. Thanks for posting such an easy and healthy recipe!
  5. If you are addicted to cheesecake and are trying to loose weight, this recipe will satisfy that "got to have it" craving. Planning ahead is key and you must have patience to have it turn out right. Just try two bites before you decide whether you like it or not.


<img src=""> I was always a little chubby throughout high school, so I decided to take action my senior year and began a much healthier lifestyle. Now, 30 lbs lighter and a sophmore in college, I have discovered a passion for healthy cooking and am always on the lookout for new recipes and "experiments!"
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