Beet Kvass

"Beet Kvass is a unique tasty slightly tart and salty health beverage. It is lacto-ferment beverage high in nutrients, healthy for the blood, and a nice liver cleanser. And oh wow, I just remembered that my first batch tasted awful. It was too salty because I used store bought commercial whey instead of homemade liquid whey. Commercial whey is concentrated and already salted and I was still experimenting er..ah… perfecting my technique. I thought I didn’t have to bother with all the basics principals of heirloom folk drinks. HA! Yes you do. Search for my Whey recipe. Beet Kvass takes 3 days to properly ferment. You are essentially making a tea made of chopped up organic beets. The beets can be used twice with a little less water for the second batch and 1 tsp of salt if using a cup of the 1st batch of Beet Kvass as carryover. Again with everything I do, please keep clean sterile glass jars – NO DISH-SOAP!!! Use Vinegar water to clean all, and the final rinse with filtered water not the muni-tap water due to the chlorine and the fact that it will kill your ferment culture. You will need a one gallon glass jar. I bought mine at… you guessed it – a second hand store - during the summer. Three days means 72 hours from begin to fridge. Refrigeration slows down the fermenting to nearly a standstill. You can reserve a cup and a few chunks of Beet to keep fermenting at room temperature to make a Beet Vinaigrette for salads in 7 days. But this I have not done myself."
photo by Rita1652 photo by Rita1652
photo by Rita1652
Ready In:
12 cups




  • Scrub the beets very well and chop into 1” chunks.
  • Put all the ingredients into the 1 gallon glass jar.
  • Stir well and put the lid on it but not too tight because you need some gas to escape.
  • Set aside 3 days in a shaded room average temperature 78 degrees is very favorable
  • Skim any excess lacto-ferment from the top with a spoon or stir it in whatever suits you.
  • put in the fridge – drink at will.
  • serve chilled.
  • makes 12 cups or 24 - 4oz servings.

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  1. Thanks for this recipe. I usu. get a lot of beets in summer that I don't know what to do with. I have lots of whey now, from making kefir, so this will be a good recipe to try. Thanks for all the great tips. I'll rate when I try it!


Mission statement: Please leave a creative message at the beep... and try some of my recipes. Well, at least read the titles and intros for a few giggles ;o] Chosen profession: Domestic Engineer Current employment: standing on corner holding sign "will food for work" Volunteer: Sunday school (ECF) teacher - 7th grade. Family, church & friend oriented. Music: too much to list... just know that I loathe gangsta, Yoko-Ono's stylings and what is up with fusion - I don't get it. Sports: take me to a baseball or hockey game and I'm a happy camper. ... and hobbies: too many to list. For fun: really really really no... really bad puns - seriously, I'm just a goof-ball. Books: Fanny Farmer cook book is cute light reading for any good domestic engineer. I love my Nourishing Traditions cookbook. I have done a complete 180 on milk. I now LOVE LOVE LOVE Ice cold raw whole milk, and renounce soy milk completely, though I will still joyfully eat tofu - overlooking the health detriment that it imposes. Pet peeve: When people say 'these ones' or 'those ones', instead of saying 'these' etc... "Ones" is expressed and is not necessary. The word 'utilize' is over used and over-rated. The slang word "UM".
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