Bread pudding

"bread pudding"
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Ready In:
1hr 10mins
1 pudding




  • soak the bread in milk until all soggy.
  • Squeeze out all the milk and add the melted butter sultanas, chopped apple, beaten eggs, sugar syrup and nutmeg.
  • You then just pour all this into a baking dish and bake for about an hour till all cooked.
  • Grill the top to make it crispy.

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  1. thank you Kari, it is a very old fashioned type recipe and sorry there are no quantities. I think it starts cause you don't really know how much stale bread you have. It maybe that Ive made it for so long (think my mum used to make it) I really now have to think about quantities and Im not sure. I never put more than 2 eggs in. What I suggest is after you have squeezed the soggy bread, spread it out into your baking dish and add the rest of the ingredients. Sugar I would sprinkle all over then mix, same with sultanas, maybe one apple is enough and say 2oz butter melted. I wouldn't make very much unless you have lots of people to feed, its quite a heavy recipe, in the days when we needed more of that sort of food. Please reply again and we can speak again. Ann
  2. It is very hard to make a recipe like this with no quantities listed. If you were to submit a correction with amounts, I would love to try your version of this pudding. I am not sure I have ever had apples in bread pudding.
  3. Thought I would be adventurous!!Read Ann's explanation and the result was a very tasty bread pudding!Used 4 thick slices stale bread,2 eggs,1/2c sugar,fruits, 1 tsp vanilla and 21/2cups milk and some freshly grated nutmeg.Baked it in a bain marie,that is how I always bake a bread pudding. Easy and tasty!


London, England. Now work as a cook in a nursery but have cooked all my life from a child. Have travelled the world and picked up cuisines and people on the way. Although Im just cooking basic kids stuff for work, I love cake decorating and private catering on all levels
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