Chili Chicken With Avocado Sauce

"A great summer chicken dinner dish. We love avocados at our house so the sauce is almost more popular than the chicken so you might want to double that part of the recipe. Also I like to take whole cumin seeds and use them freshly ground! The flavor is much better."
photo by vdm86 photo by vdm86
photo by vdm86
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  • Sprinkle chicken with cumin, chili powder, salt and a dash of cayenne on each.
  • In a blender or food processor, combine avocado, yogurt, garlic, 1/4 cup water, lime juice, 1/2 tsp salt and cilantro. Blend until smooth.
  • In fry pan with lid, brown chicken in olive oil 2 minutes on each side. Cover, lower heat and cook until just done, approximately 3 minutes.
  • Serve chicken with avocado sauce poured over it.

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  1. very good and easy to make
  2. The flavors together are AWESOME. I made the recipe exactly as stated. Delicious.
  3. This was super easy, and really tasty! Will definitely make again.
  4. Very tasty recipe. We really enjoyed the spicy seasoning rub along with the avocado sauce. I changed the sauce abit to our preference, I increased the garlic abit & didn't add the water (liked it abit thicker). Once the chicken was done cooking, I spread the sauce on the chicken in the pan, returned the lid & turned off the heat. This way the sauce warmed up slightly before serving. Great recipe with all my favorites, thanks for sharing.
  5. I loved it. The bold spices of the chicken counter-balanced with the creamy goodness of the sauce. Thanks, sassafrasNC. (Will admit that I was a little heavy handed with some extra garlic - overpowering immediatley on making the sauce but mellowed overnight).


<p><img src= alt= /> <br />&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I've made some of my closest friends because of cooking and food, including Zaar member - NCMysteryshopper - who, I am proud to say, has asked me to do the honor of being her taste-tester for many a new cocktail she has posted. <br /> Here's to food, drink, friends and being merry! <br /><a href=> <br /> <img src= alt= /> <br /><img src= alt= /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <br /><img src= alt= /></a></p>
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