Easy Banana and Pistachio Pudding Pie

"Looking for an easy desert recipe? Here's one you can make in under 30 minutes and it's yummy!"
photo by Healthy Debbie photo by Healthy Debbie
photo by Healthy Debbie
Ready In:
1 pie




  • Preheat over to 450 degrees to bake the pre-made piecrust and follow package directions.
  • Mix the milk with the instant pudding for 1 minute on medium.
  • Slice the bananas into a bowl and mix with the lemon juice.
  • Layer the bananas into the bottom of the baked and cooled piecrust.
  • Pour the instant pudding mix over and smooth it to the edges.
  • Let it chill and set in the refrigerator. Spread Cool Whip on top and sprinkle with the crushed pistachio nuts.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I enjoy pistachios a lot & usually have them on hand, & for this recipe I doubled the amount of crushed nuts! Very, very nice tasting, with the addition of the nuts & lemon & great touch! Thanks for sharing! [Made & reviewed for one of my adopted chefs in this Spring's PAC]
  2. This recipe was easy and very delicious. However, I felt that 2 oz. of crushed nuts was about twice the amount I wanted. I had a very abundant sprinkling of nuts on the whipped topping with just 1 oz.


<p>Hello to All!&nbsp;<br />Thank you for taking the time to visit my site. I hope that you will try some of my recipes. Be assurred that I make and eat the ones I have posted. I am very interested in seeing your ratings and reading your feedback. <br />Experimenting with new recipes is one of my favorite pasttimes. I follow an almost vegetarian diet. I eat fish but really not much meat anymore. <br />I am in my mid-50s and lead a very active lifestyle: horseback riding, running, and strength training. I feel terrific and I give lots of credit to healthy eating. <br />This community is an inspiration to me! It is the first place I will go for online recipes because the feedback is so helpful. I search it for new recipes almost every day. <br />My recipes will be mostly the lower fat, moderate sugar, and vegetarian style of cooking. I'd say there a bit unusual in some aspects :) <br />I hope you like my postings. Your honest feedback and suggestions will be appreciated. <br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/IWasAdoptedfall08.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /></p>
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