Gram's Chicken and Noodles

"This was a favorite comfort food when I was a child. My Grams made it when times were tough, and whenever I asked for it! I've changed it to my own family's tastes over the years and simplified it for myself, using the frozen egg noodles. Gram made her own noodles, but I never had much luck with them, as I don't care for floury hands. When I found them already made up and frozen in the store I was so happy! I use the boxed free range or roasted chicken stock, you can use canned as well. This freezes great, I take it frozen on hunting trips and reheat in the trailer. When reheating, add some canned chicken broth, because the noodles tend to suck up all the moisture. You can add anything you want to this, onions, carrots and so on. I'm submitting it this way because this reminds me of the way my Gram made it and we just like it like this!"
photo by Chef PotPie photo by Chef PotPie
photo by Chef PotPie
Ready In:
2hrs 5mins


  • 1 (4 -5 lb) roasting chickens, giblets removed
  • 14 cups chicken stock (112 ounces)
  • 48 ounces water
  • 2 chicken bouillon cubes
  • 2 (16 ounce) packages frozen home style egg noodles (I use Reames brand)
  • salt and pepper, to taste


  • In a large stockpot, place the whole chicken, the water, broth and bouillon cubes, and slowly bring to a light boil; boil, uncovered, for about 45 minutes - 1 hour, until chicken is done through but not yet falling off the bone.
  • Remove chicken and set aside to cool a bit.
  • Cool the broth and skim the fat off, I use a fat seperator for this, returning the de-fatted broth to the washed stockpot.
  • When chicken is cool enough to handle, but still warm, pull off the skin and seperate the meat from the bones, leaving chunks in good bite-sized pieces. Set aside or refrigerate. At this point everything can be refrigerated and kept for 2 days.
  • Bring stock to boil and add the thawed noodles, a handful at a time, and boil for about 45 minutes, stirring often to prevent them from sticking together. In this time the liquid will become thicker, like a gravy. If you feel you would like more liquid, add canned chicken broth to your taste.
  • It's ready to eat now, but I always keep it on the stove with the heat turned off for a couple hours to blend. Reheat gently and serve.

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One of the old time founding members of Recipezaar. I live in Port Orchard, Washington. I LOVE to cook and bake nearly everything! I HATE to see people join the site, have no published recipes, but rag on another cook in a review on a recipe they haven't even tried or didn't follow. Oh, and I hate cilantro, too. :)
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