Hangtown Fry

"Legend has it that a 49'er hit a glory hole, an incredibly rich pocket of gold nuggets. He walked into the El Dorado Hotel restaurant in Hangtown, now Placerville California, and asked the waiter what was the most expensive item on the menu. The waiter answered that would be one of three things, oysters, which were tinned and shipped all the way from Boston, Bacon, which was scarce, and Eggs, which were also scarce. The prospector answered, fix them all on one plate and bring it to him. So was born the 'Hangtown Fry'. If you've never tried this delight, please do so. Elegance can be complicated but it can also be simple. In this case it's simple."
photo by Pierre Dance photo by Pierre Dance
photo by Pierre Dance
photo by Pierre Dance photo by Pierre Dance
photo by Pierre Dance photo by Pierre Dance
Ready In:




  • Combine first 5 ingredients, beat'til yolks and whites are just mixed.
  • If the oysters are large, cut into bite sized pieces.
  • Pat Oysters dry, dust with flour.
  • Heat a nonstick frying pan over med-high heat.
  • Add butter.
  • Fry Oysters 30 seconds per side.
  • Add Egg mixture.
  • As eggs firm, carefully lift the edges to allow uncooked mixture to flow under the omelet onto the pan.
  • When omelet is firm, cover with a plate, invert the omelet onto the plate.
  • Garnish with Parsley and crumbled Bacon.
  • This goes very well with sour dough toast.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Excellent brunch item. Didn't have sourdough, but toast with cream cheese and "everything but the bagel" seasoning on it is also a good accompaniment. Even tho they grow oysters here in SC, I never saw it as a menu item. Thanks for this recipe!
  2. This is the tastiest Hangtown Fry I've ever made. My husband and I both like them, and often eat them when we can find them in restaurants. I've made them before a few times, but this recipe is the best
  3. We tryed this hangtown fry it is very good!
  4. I actually read this same story in the "Joy of Cooking" . All too often the great stories behind certain dishes are lost in time. This dish is as great as the story behind it! Thanks for posting it!
  5. This was very good and different. I used the smoked tinned oysters since their was no hint in the recipe, especially since I didn't think raw tinned oysters would cook in 30 seconds a side. Hot sauce is a must on the top of this.


I'm a 73 year old male. I live in the desert in Southeast Wasington. Yes, Virginia, Southeast Washington is Desert, Cacti, Sage Brush, Wile E. Coyote, the whole nine yards.The Columbia River flows through the middle of it and is its saving grace. Some of the jobs. I've held are Well Driller, Aircraft Machanic, Handyman, Electrician,Merchant Seaman, And most recently Long haul Driver.My hobbies are cooking, Kite making, and Good movies (plus anything that strikes my fancy) My first cookbook was Fanny Farmer Original Boston Cooking School Cookbook and its still the first of all of my cookbooks that I go to. It has the best Biscuit recipe going and the only change I make to its Cornbread recipe is to add a half teaspoon of Cayenne to bring out the flavor of the cornmeal. I injured my knee and have had the last year off and what I've done is go quietly mad. I'm now semi retired and try to figure out plan 'E'. A, B, C, and D phased out so it's time to move on, where, the hell ever, that is.
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