Homemade Fiddle Faddle

"OH FIDDLE FADDLE !!! That is what the boxed brand of caramel popcorn is called here. I call it mighty tasty."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1hr 10mins
1 batch




  • In saucepan, combine brown sugar, margarine, corn syrup, and salt.
  • Boil for 6 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Add flavorings, cream of tartar, and soda.
  • Pour over popped corn and nuts, mixing thoroughly.
  • Bake in 200 degrees oven for one hour.

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  1. Very good! I made 1/4 batch and it worked fine. I did reduce the boil time to between 4 and 5 minutes. A little more involved and time consuming compared to the recipe I've been using (#78693).
  2. Well, I have nothing big enough to mix 7 quarts of popcorn, 2 C of mixed nuts, plus the syrup, so I halved the recipe. Maybe that was the problem -- because my fiddle faddle fizzled. I ended up with a glob of syrup on top of the popcorn and for the life of me, I couldn't mix it all together. I was looking for more of a toffee flavor also. Thanks for sharing, but I won't try this one again.
  3. Great recipe, this is really good and very much comparable to the store-bought, mabey even better, I plan on making this for the holiday season coming up!...thanks for sharing, Kitten:)
  4. Yummy! This is so easy and good! I think that 7 quarts popcorn is too much so I will decrease it next time .. thanks!!
  5. This is a very good recipe. I forgot to buy the butter flavoring so I used 1tsp vanilla and 1tsp almond flavoring and it really came out delicious. DH loves Fiddle Faddle so when I seen this recipe I knew I wanted to give it a try and I am so glad I did. Its a keeper in my cookbook. Thanks for posting it Charlotte J!!



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