Light Apple Blueberry Pancakes

"I found this in a thin thighs book by Karen Burke, not half bad for low-fat!"
photo by luvinlif2k photo by luvinlif2k
photo by luvinlif2k
photo by luvinlif2k photo by luvinlif2k
photo by Brooke the Cook in photo by Brooke the Cook in
Ready In:
10 pancakes




  • Mix flour & baking soda with enough milk to make a smooth consistency.
  • Mix in the applesauce & cinnamon.
  • Add blueberries & stir to distribute evenly.
  • Cook in a non-stick pan until edges are dry-looking, flip and cook until golden.

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  1. VERY, VERY NICE PANCAKES! I used a slightly chunky homemade applesauce & followed the recipe right on down! I was going to keep tract of the amount of milk I used, & then totally forgot as I whipped these up! Thanks for A GREAT BREAKFAST TREAT! [Tagged, made & reviewed in Healthy Choices tag]
  2. We enjoyed these pancakces but I doubled the recipe and it was WAY more than enough (35 medium sized pancakes). It was difficult to decide how much milk to use so I added one cup of milk for the original recipe and it mixed up like a very thick pancake mix and then added the applesauce. That seemed to do the trick.
  3. My kids couldn't have enough of these! I thought they were a bit thin but that could have been my mistake. I'll add a bit more flour next time to compensate for my thin applesauce (homemade). This will definitely be a repeat. Thanks for posting!
  4. For having NO FAT these are really wonderful! My pancakes were quite dense - not the typical light and fluffy kind; I'm not sure if it was because of the amount of milk I included or not - I really wasn't sure of the consistency to end up with after adding the milk, so I made a tiny pancake to test the batter before adding the blueberries and it worked out fine. I did add a few extra blueberries. DS thought they needed more cinnamon, so I'd include at least 1t the next time. Still, I give this 5 stars because they are blueberry pancakes with NO fat!! Made for ZWT4.


Melbourne I live on a 5 acre property in the Dandenong Ranges Victoria, Australia, having moved from the burbs when I became pregnant with my now 15 year old daughter Alyssa. Once my daughter was born I became a stay at home mum as I couldn't bear the thought of putting her in daycare. She is the light of my life, I never imagined myself as a mum when younger but now wouldn't have it any other way. Alyssa was made a big sister on the 19th April 2010 when our cheeky little boy Blake was born. I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes so quickly become addicted to Zaar as it was previously known & still use it regularly. In addition to being my kids taxi :lol: I also spend my time, reading, gardening and of course shopping. I'm lucky enough that we have the space & so love growing our own fruits, vegies & herbs, this also means we have plenty of room for animals & at the moment have 2 dogs, Max, a Jackshund who's 6, Fletcher, a Kelpie who's 4, 6 cats Snowpea, Fergus, Ginger, Tango, Annie & Cookie, 4 chooks & 2 Ducks. As well as our pets, we also have a lot of native animals around our area, we have kangaroos, wombats, echidna's, possums as well as rosella's, galah's & Cockatoo's hence the name of where I live..
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