Light Cheesy Burgers - George Foreman Grill

"I decided to experiment one day when cooking some burgers up for lunch - and was VERY pleased with the result! Now, when I make these, I don't measure out the spices - I just put dashes of what I know we like. Therefore, these measurements are estimates - adjust according to your taste buds. Also, you may adjust the size of your patties - which may change serving size a bit. This recipe is flexible! :) Hope you like it too!"
photo by Redsie photo by Redsie
photo by Redsie
photo by Redsie photo by Redsie
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  • Mix meat using a fork with all of the ingredients except the cheese and bread.
  • (I wear plastic food safety gloves) Form into 10 patties (pat to make thin).
  • Put 5 of the patties onto a heated (on max) george foreman grill.
  • Put 1/2 a cheese wedge on top of each patty, and top with additional patties. Close grill lid and let cook for 6 minutes (flipping if you like halfway through.).
  • Put onto bread spread with your favorite condiments. Add veggies if you prefer and enjoy!

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  1. Never thought of adding Laughing Cow cheese to my burgers... delicious!! I was a bit lazy - so made one nice burger and added the cheese on top right at the end so it would melt a little!! Didn't have any liquid smoke - but followed your suggestions for spices - mmmm good! first BBQ of the 2010 season and its a winner!! :)


<p style=text-align: left;><span style=color: #333399;><br /></span></p> <p style=text-align: left;><span style=color: #333399;>Hey there! My name's Megan and I'm a Texan busy<strong> wife</strong> and a working <strong>Mommy</strong>! I work in the education field and love chasing around my little toddler (age 2). </span><span style=color: #333399;>My husband and I have been married for <strong>SEVEN</strong> years and counting now! We can hardly believe it! Time flies... </span></p> <p style=text-align: center;><span style=color: #333399;><strong>Here is our little family of three on Easter: (2012)</strong></span></p> <p style=text-align: left;><span style=color: #333399;>&nbsp;</span><span style=color: #333399;>&nbsp;</span><span style=color: #333399;>&nbsp;</span></p> <p style=text-align: center;><img src= alt=Our family! width=319 height=377 /></p> <p style=text-align: center;>&nbsp;</p> <p style=text-align: left;><span style=color: #333399;>I love all things <strong>cooking</strong> -- reading cookbooks, watching Food Network, but most of all browsing this site. </span><span style=color: #333399;>I really love watching southern cooks such as Trisha Yearwood and Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond, but love to lighten up their recipes to make them healthier. <img title=Wink src=/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-wink.gif border=0 alt=Wink /></span><span style=color: #666699;><span style=color: #000000;><br /></span></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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