Mrs. Macnab’s Scones

"This recipe is from my favorite celebrity baker, Nick Malgieri! I had the privilege to meet him, and taste his baked goods that he prepared for us, at a baking class in Chapel Hill NC NICKS NOTES: The recipe is deceptively simple—the whole success of these scones lies in not handling the dough too much so that it doesn’t toughen. Mix them with a light hand, and they will be excellent.. He is excellent, and so is his baking! This is a famous Scottish scone recipe, which I have adapted from The Scots Kitchen by F. Marian McNeill (Blackie and Son, 1929-1955). Mrs. Macnab was a farm wife at Ballater, not far from Balmoral, the summer residence of the British royal family. During her lifetime in the late nineteenth century, many of the dignitaries visiting Balmoral, including King Frederick of Prussia, came to tea at Mrs. Macnab’s farmhouse because of the excellence of her scones. Now we can all enjoy them! SERVING: Serve the scones warm from the oven, but not red-hot, with butter or whipped cream and preserves or marmalade. STORAGE: Keep the leftovers in a plastic bag in the refrigerator or freezer and warm them up in the oven or toaster oven before eating. (Leftover scones are not fit for guests, however.) This actually makes 4 cakes of 4 scones each, or 16 individual scones"
photo by Annacia photo by Annacia
photo by Annacia
Ready In:
16 scones




  • Line 2 small cookie sheets or jelly roll pans lined with parchment or foil.
  • Set racks in the upper and lower thirds of the oven and preheat to 425.
  • Stir together the flour, sugar, and baking powder in a large bowl. Rub in the butter finely, using your hands or a pastry blender.
  • Use a fork to beat together the egg and buttermilk. Add them to the flour mixture. Use the fork to gently mix in the liquid, scraping up from the bottom of the bowl, with a movement similar to the one used to fold in egg whites. Continue until all the dry ingredients are evenly moistened.
  • Scrape the dough out onto a floured surface, and gently fold it over on itself 2 or 3 times.
  • Cut the dough into 4 pieces and press each piece into a 5" disk. Place the disks on the prepared pans, 2 disks to a pan. Use a knife or bench scraper to cut each disk into quarters, but don’t separate the quarters.
  • Bake the scones until they are well risen and deep golden, about 12-15 minutes.
  • Leave the scones on the pans to cool for a few minutes.

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  1. These taste really good . Very easy to make too.
  2. First timer here - not a baker, not a sconer.... but this recipe has turned my world upside down! OMG YUM! This is the fool's guide to easy (and delicious) scones. In fact, I have since tried Recipe #205495 and the additional ingredients were amazing, but the foundation was not so great. From here on out, I will be using Recipe #329085 for my foundation recipe and adding ingredients from here. As an additional note: I used the leftovers for Recipe #258508. Superb!
  3. Wonderful scones. This is a great recipe and one that has it all. They are low in fat, rise like angels and taste wonderful. They are so quick to make up that they were ready and waiting to bake before the oven had come up to temp. 20 mins start to finish. 12 mins was plenty of time for mine and would have been over done with more but all ovens vary so be sure to check yours at 12 mins. I replaced the sugar with Splenda and used lemon juice soured skim milk. They couldn't have been prettier and I love that they aren't too sweet. Oh, I should mention that I made 6 scones. If your a scone loved you must try this one.


<p>Hi Everyone,</p> <p>I just don't have the time these days to send out individual thank yous for those that make and review my recipes, but I&nbsp;&nbsp;just want you to know that you are truly appreciated and it tickles me every time I get a review, knowing you tried my recipes and enjoyed them the way I do.</p> <p>I even appreciate the ones that tried them and for some reason they didn't work out for you. &nbsp;Everyone has different tastes, and you can't please everyone all the time. &nbsp;</p> <p>Lots of times people change the recipes, adding things, leaving things out, and not seasoning them to their own taste, and give a bad review... &nbsp;Recipes are only guidelines, and if you follow mine and don't like it, then it's a personal preference as to why you don't like it, and I appreciate that. &nbsp;However, if you don't follow my recipe then it is YOUR recipe that you don't like, and my recipe shouldn't be rated. IMHO &nbsp; Thanks for trying them anyway &nbsp;:)</p> <p>Hugs,</p> <p>Linda</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>My name is Linda. I am happily single, and I live in Rochester NH. I just moved back to the town where most of my family lived years ago, and where I lived as a child, after living in NC for 5 years. I have 2 grown sons, a dil, and 2 beautiful grandsons. <br /> <br />I really enjoy my time here on Zaar posting recipes, trying new recipes, taking pictures, and reviewing lots of yummy recipes! <br /> <br />I love to cook, and share recipes. The recipes that I share are mainly my own creations, or family recipes passed down to me from my mom and grandmother, and other family members or friends. If I post something from somewhere else, it has to sound REALLY good to me for me to post it! <br /> <br />Many of the dishes that I prepare are simple, good, down home cooking. Many of them originate from New England, as my grandmother is from Maine, and my mother from New Hampshire. I do also like to try making some gourmet recipes as well, using my creativity along the way. <br /> <br />I started cooking at a the age of 8, helping my mother and grandmother in the kitchen. My curiosity for cooking has led me to create many of my own recipes through trial and error. I hope you enjoy them as much as my family and I do :) <br /> <br />In my spare time I play on my computer collecting recipes, and have been working on creating a cookbook to publish for some time, but have put it aside for now. <br /> <br />I also love to travel and shop. I love to go to the beach and mountains, and as food is a passion of mine, I love to dine out and try many different cuisines in the area, and with friends when I am traveling :) <br /> <br />I made my first herb garden in 2008, but have had vegetable gardens for many years in the past. I have done my share of canning and I love those fresh herbs and veggies all summer long! <br /> <br /> <br />My Rating System: <br /> <br />5 Stars ***** Outstanding recipe that I absolutely loved. It can be down home or restaurant quality, as long as it tastes great and I didn't have to make any changes along the way! Also recipe has to have clear directions. One I would definately make again and again. <br /> <br />4 Stars **** Great recipe that I loved, but one that I may have had to tweak just a bit. Directions may have not been crystal clear. One I would make again and again with my changes. <br /> <br />3 Stars *** I liked the recipe, but had to add ingredients, or add more of a called for ingredient to have the recipe come out the way I like it. I would probably make again sometime. <br /> <br />2 Stars ** This recipe was ok, but I probably wouldn't make it again due to lack of taste, undesireable texture, or unclear directions etc. <br /> <br />1 Star * This recipe was one I didn't like at all. Either the amounts of ingredients were wrong (too little flavor or too much of one/some of the ingredients in the recipe), or the recipe didn't come out right following the directions given. Lack of directions. <br /> <br />No Stars - I have tried the recipe in the past and want to make a comment, or I am adding a comment about the recipe posted, possibly a tip or what I feel to be important information about the recipe. <br /> <br /><a href=><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= border=0 alt=Glitter Graphics - /></a></p> <div style=color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: #ffffff; margin: 7px;> <p><a href=><br />4-09 Lazyme's Cook-A-Thon&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />2/09 Top Recipes For 2008 Participant&nbsp;<br /><br />2-09 Newest Zaar Tag Game Participant&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= border=0 alt=Susie's Banner for Newest Zaar Tag /><br /><br />2-09 1-2-3 Hit Wonders Tag Game Participant&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />11-08 My-3-Chefs Participant&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= /><br /><br />10-08 Appreciation Goes To Kathy and Lisa at Recipezaar&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />10-08 Zaar Stars Tag Game Participant&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= border=0 alt=Photobucket />&nbsp;<br /><br /><br />6-1-08 My-3-Chefs 2008 Participant&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /><br /><br /><br />PAC Spring 2008 Paticipation Banner&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />PAC Spring 2008 Adoption Banner&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />3-08 Auz/NZ Recipe Swap #14 Darwin Stubbies&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br /></a><a href= target=_blank><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a>&nbsp;<br /><br />2-7-08 Chinese/Vietnamese New Year Tag Game&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= border=0 alt=Photobucket />&nbsp;<br /><br /><br />2-08 RSC#11&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />12-30-07 Cooking Photo Swap #7 Cooking Photo Forum&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />11-17-07 Candy Swap&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />11-1-07 I Can't Live Without It Swap - No Banner&nbsp;<br /><br />11-07 Cook-A-Thon for Cool Monday&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= border=0 alt=Cookathon for Cool Monday (1) />&nbsp;<br /><br />10-07 O Is For October Photo Event&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />PAC Fall 2007 Participation Banner&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />PAC Fall 2007 Adoption Banner&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />9-27-07 Christmas Stocking Swap&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />9-07 Fall Halloween Swap - No Banner&nbsp;<br /><br />9-07 BBQ Sauce Cook Off&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br /><br />9-25-07 Cake-A-Thon For Chef-I-Am&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br />9-23-04 RSC #6&nbsp;<br /><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= alt= />&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><a href=><br /><br /> <object style=background-color: #ffffcc; background-image: url(/tiny_mce/plugins/media/img/flash.gif); background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; border: 1px dotted #cc0000; width=550 height=293 data= type=application/x-shockwave-flash> <param name=data value= /> <param name=bgcolor value=#372060 /> <param name=src value= /> <param name=quality value=high /> </object> <br /><br /></a><a href=><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= border=0 alt= /></a>&nbsp;<br /><a href=><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src= border=0 alt= /></a>&nbsp;<br /><br /><a href=><img style=border: 0px initial initial; src=;c=7151635 border=0 alt=Amazing Counters /></a><a href=></a>&nbsp;Added September 2008</p> <p><a href=><img src=;c=8743240 border=0 alt=Free Web Counters /></a>Added November 24, 2010</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div>
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