Old England Traditional Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding

"Possibly the most famous of all English dishes, traditionally served for the "big" family meal of the week, Sunday Lunch. First a little about the Yorkshire Pudding. Different areas of England cook, serve and eat this in totally different ways. No single way is 'right' nor 'wrong'. It depends upon your family tradition and where you live. Originally the Yorkshire Pudding was eaten on its own as a first course with thick gravy. This was to fill your stomach with the cheap Yorkshire Pudding so that you would not eat so much of the more expensive meat in the next course. Now Yorkshire Puddings tend to be lighter and crispier and they are served and eaten with the meat course, with lashings of beef gravy with them! How to serve the roast beef: Some families carve the meat in the kitchen and bring it to the table on pre-warmed plates. Others carve the meat at the table so every one can see, that is how my Dad used to do it! Roast Beef is best served with roast potatoes, and a selection of freshly steamed seasonal vegetables, such as carrots, cabbage and broccoli. Have a gravy boat brimming full of gravy for diners to help themselves to. For special occasions consider making the gravy with a glass or two of wine! I have posted this recipe for 8 to 10 people; I always feel it's worth cooking more than you need, as you can have cold roast beef sandwiches for tea and of course make cottage pie the next day! The Yorkshire pudding listed below is already posted on Zaar - Recipe #203349, but I have added it here again, so you can cook them with the beef, following only one recipe for ease. My Mum's Yorkshire pudding recipe is simple, as long as all the ratio of measurements are equal, you can increase or decrease the amount of puddings you make!"
photo by French Tart photo by French Tart
photo by French Tart
Ready In:
3hrs 45mins




  • Combined method for cooking the Roast Beef and the Yorkshire Pudding:

  • Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.
  • Put the joint of beef into a shallow baking tray or tin.
  • Season the meat to taste with a little salt and black pepper, and English mustard powder if using.
  • Melt half of the beef dripping and pour over the meat and seasoning.
  • Roast in the preheated oven for 30 minutes and then reduce the heat to 190C/375F/Gas 5 for a further 1 1/2 hours. This will give you rare roast beef in the middle.
  • When cooked, put the meat in a warm place to rest for 20-30 minutes before carving and serving, and then turn up the heat to 240C,475F or gas mark 9.
  • Pour the remainder of the beef dripping into a cake baking tray (The type of baking tray used to make small cakes / muffins). Put the tray, with a little bit of dripping in each of the depressions in the tray, into the oven for 3 minutes or until you see the dripping smoke.
  • Remove from the oven and pour 2 tablespoons of the Yorkshire Pudding batter (see below for batter recipe) into each cake depression and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until well puffed up and golden brown. DO NOT Open the door for the first 10 minutes!
  • Meanwhile carve and portion the beef on to hot plates, and make a gravy using the juices left in the roasting. As soon as the Yorkshire pudding is ready, serve, with mustard and horseradish sauce, roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables.
  • To make the Yorkshire Pudding Mixture (Batter):

  • Sift the flour into a large bowl.
  • and add the beaten eggs into the centre of the heap of flour.
  • Mix the water and the milk together in a jug. Pour the mixture slowly onto the flour and egg. As you start to pour the water/milk slowly beat the mixture together with a whisk. Add the salt and continue to beat. The puddings will be lighter if the batter includes a little air.
  • Once all the ingredients have been beaten together leave to stand, covered by a cloth, for 40 minutes or so.
  • Now you are at 'step 8' in the main cooking method. Your oven should be very hot and your tray for the puddings very hot.
  • Tip: The bigger the joint, the better the meat, and it should always be cooked on the bone. The meat should have a good covering of fat, be dark red in colour (which shows it has been hung properly), and have a good marbling of fat throughout.
  • Sprinkling some English mustard powder over the top of the meat gives a great crust and a fabulous taste.

Questions & Replies

  1. Where are the "beef drippings" coming from? Recipe says to put them over the roast, and again later. BUT, asking before the roast was cooked, so where is it coming from? Seems to be missing a step.


  1. I took my beef out of the pan when it was finished cranked up the oven and poured the Yorkshire putting right into the baking pan. my mother always poured it into the pan around the beef the last half hour of cooking the beef. it’s soaks up all those juices into the pudding. rustic presentation but lots of fun!
  2. Excellent recipe - the roast and the Yorkshire Puddings came out delicious! Make sure that you roast a larger piece than you need and then use the left overs for sandwiches.
  3. This is the second time around for my family! They LOVE IT!
  4. youve done it again french tart. i made this today for a family sunday lunch and was outstanding. lovely tender beef and massive yorkies. my kids ate the lot and i served with roasties, carrots and sprouts and it was delicious. mmmm. cant wait till next sunday when i do it again for company. thanks.


<p><strong><span>The sunflowers in the field behind my house in SW France:</span></strong></p> <p><img title=Sunflowers src=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/copperhorse58/DSCN8221.jpg alt=Sunflowers width=640 height=480 /><br /><strong><span><br /><br />I am British (English-Scottish), but I was born in South Africa and have lived all over the world, including Hong Kong, Germany, Cyprus, USA &amp; Singapore. I have also been very fortunate to have travelled extensively over the years.........I still have wanderlust! <br /><br />I used to be an English Literature &amp; Art History teacher &amp; lecturer; before that, I trained and worked as a Graphic Designer for many years. I now live in France with my husband &amp; my daughter who has just started university in September 2006. We also have one very chatty Burmese cat Willow, who allows us to live with her here! (I used to have three cats, I recently lost Monty, a beautiful seal point Siamese and before that, Rama, who was a debonair blue point Siamese cat - I would love to have another Siamese cat or cats in the future!)</span></strong></p> <p><em><strong><span>This is my Burmese Cat, Willow, sunning herself on the log pile in the kitchen garden:</span></strong></em></p> <p><strong><img title=My src=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/copperhorse58/ABaconButtyandSundryFoodPhotos34.jpg alt=My width=640 height=480 /></strong></p> <p><strong><span>Here is my lovely Monty, a seal point Siamese, and Willow, sitting&nbsp;in the kitchen garden last year, and a few months before Monty died; he was 18yrs old:</span></strong></p> <p><img title=Monty src=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/copperhorse58/AbsolutelySinfulStickyToffeePudding.jpg alt=Monty width=640 height=480 />My</p> <p><strong><span>This is my wonderful old boy, Rama, a blue-point Siamese, who died when he was 20yrs old - excuse the old and much sellotaped photo:</span></strong></p> <p><img title=Rama src=http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r271/copperhorse58/Rama1stOctober2004164.jpg alt=Rama width=517 height=639 /></p> <p><strong><span>My favourite pastimes are: reading, writing, painting &amp; drawing, photography, gardening, anything creative, walking, travelling, dining out and of course COOKING! I love all types of cuisine, but especially Traditional British - and NO it is NOT all bad!! I particularly love food associated with the changing seasons plus traditional feasts &amp; festivals, as well as Slow Cooking. I also enjoy French &amp; North African cuisine, come to think of it, there isn't much I don't like! <br /><br />My husband &amp; I run a Chambres D'Hotes, (Bed and Breakfast) called Auberge de la Fontaine here in beautiful South West France; we specialise in Gourmet Food &amp; Wine Breaks, French Antiques &amp; Restoration courses, French Language courses and French Cookery classes. Our home is completely furnished with Antique French furniture that we have rescued &amp; restored ourselves. Our charming village has one of the oldest Churches in the region &amp; it is famous for its connection with the St.Jacques de Compostella Pilgrimage route, as well as being within the Cognac &amp; Bordeaux wine growing area. <br /><br />We have a wonderful garden where we grow ALL of our own herbs and most of our fruit and vegetables. I specialise in rare, unusual and old-fashioned herbs, which I grow in our walled garden. As well as growing herbs, I also grow many different varieties of lavender, old-fashioned shrub roses and heirloom fruit and vegetables. <br /><br />We have lived overseas for many, many years now - but we both still love going home to Northern England, near Scarborough &amp; York, to visit our family &amp; friends. We also love indulging in dining out when we are there, in a wide variety of EXCELLENT Gastro-Pubs that we have in North Yorkshire; and popping in to have a Pint of REAL ENGLISH ALE in our local pub is a always a must!! <br /></span></strong></p> <p><br /><a href=http://photobucket.com/images/merci%20beaucoup target=_blank><img src=http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp287/vi-vie15/Merci/hb09izl7.gif border=0 alt=merci /></a> <br /><br /><strong><span>A Message to all who make and review my recipes! I try very hard to reply to EACH and EVERYONE of you who kindly makes, reviews and photographs my recipes! However, sometimes I am so busy in the B and B, and with other things, that I may be late in sending a personal thank you message, and sometimes I forget completely! I would just like to thank you ALL in advance, and just in case I am late or forgetful in sending a personal thanks. I am always very humbled by anyone who chooses to make one of my recipes, and I love reading the reviews and seeing the beautiful photos that are posted. Merci beaucoup encore! <br /><br />A note about my recipes. All of my posted recipes, whether they be my own concoctions or adaptations from a book or a famous chef, have been tried and tested at least once, by ME! I try to make sure that I am the guinea pig and not you! However, if there is anything you would like ask me about one of my recipes, or a query that I may be able to help you with, please do write and I will try to answer your question as soon as possible. I post my recipes in Imperial (lbs and ozs) and Metric (kilos and grams) as I am British! </span></strong><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><a id=clustrMapsLink href=http://www2.clustrmaps.com/counter/maps.php?url=http://www.recipezaar.com/member/242729><img id=clustrMapsImg title=Locations src=http://www2.clustrmaps.com/counter/index2.php?url=http://www.recipezaar.com/member/242729 alt=Locations /> <br /></a><br /><br /> <object width=550 height=293 data=http://static.travbuddy.com/flash/countries_map.swf?id=4263273 type=application/x-shockwave-flash> <param name=data value=http://static.travbuddy.com/flash/countries_map.swf?id=4263273 /> <param name=bgcolor value=#372060 /> <param name=src value=http://static.travbuddy.com/flash/countries_map.swf?id=4263273 /> <param name=quality value=high /> </object> <br /><br /><br /><a href=http://www.travbuddy.com/travel-widgets><img src=http://static.travbuddy.com/images/widget_map_promote_v2.gif border=0 alt=/ /></a> <br /><a 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