Party-Size Barbecued Albacore (Tuna) With Shrimp Stuffing

"My favourite way to cook fish of any kind is on a barbecue grill, or oven baked. This recipe is not as daunting as it would appear at first reading. The ingredients of this recipe seem to blend beautifully, from preparation of the Albacore Tuna, to final mixing of stuffing. The blending of herbs and seasonings was largely by guess and by golly; but having had considerable experience with seafood cooking, I was able to draw upon this knowledge to put together a rather tasty assortment of ingredients which compliment each other and complement this recipe. Have your fish monger trim the tail fins, but leave its head intact. All other fins should be removed. Your fish monger will clean the Tuna for you, to your specifications. This recipe can be adapted to oven baking as well. Note: Use a heavy foil to wrap fish prior to cooking. Important preparation of the foil follows under "Directions"."
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Ready In:
2hrs 10mins




  • To prepare the heavy foil for cooking fish:

  • Butter one side of the foil along the area where the tuna will be placed for cooking.
  • Lay one half of the pepper slices on the buttered foil.
  • Lay citrus slices within the pepper-slice ring, (alternating, orange, lime, lemon, etc.); set prepared foil aside until ready to use.
  • Place the albacore tuna onto its back; Prop it up if you have to, but it should be on its back until ready to cook.
  • With a sharp chef's knife, make small incisions in the internal flesh, being careful not to puncture through the skin.
  • Insert capers in the incisions, using all, but a few capers in your "measure".
  • Pour all of the lime juice into the fish cavity; with your basting brush, paint the inside of the albacore tuna well with fresh lime juice, forcing the juice into the incisions.
  • Set the tuna aside, on its back, to allow lime juice to penetrate the Tuna flesh, while you are preparing the stuffing.
  • At this point, you should start your barbecue on HIGH SETTING. If you are accustomed to using a charcoal barbecue, then use plenty of coals, keeping them to one side when fish is set on the grill, in its foil pouch. (If using oven method, preheat to 350°F).
  • Melt one half of the butter in large skillet.
  • Add 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil to skillet.
  • To the skillet: add chopped green onion, and saute lightly, to clarify; Remove onion and set aside.
  • To the skillet: add chopped garlic and saute lightly, stirring all the while; Remove garlic and set aside.
  • To the skillet: add chopped toasted bread, and stir until all of the butter has been absorbed. Remove bread and set aside in a large mixing bowl.
  • To the skillet, add a little olive oil if needed, ouzo, fennel seed, dill, lemon basil, oregano, cooked onion, garlic.
  • Mix well, to blend all flavours; stir continuously until all the oil has been absorbed; It will only take a minute or two.
  • Remove from skillet and add to the cooked bread in the mixing bowl.
  • Add well-beaten egg and chopped shrimp; mix well, blending all of the ingredients.
  • Scoop stuffing mixture into the fish cavity, pack it well.
  • Seal the opening with poultry needle and string and pat the tuna dry.
  • Lay stuffed tuna carefully onto the peppers and citrus, buttered foil.
  • With the remaining butter, slather the upper side of the fish body; place pepper and citrus slices on fish, along the fish's body, alternating with slices of orange, lime, lemon as you did with foil preparation; (slices of pepper surrounding citrus slices).
  • Wrap fish, loosely, crimping and folding the foil ends (upward), up to keep in juices.
  • At this point it is time to reduce the barbecue heat to LOW SETTING. For charcoal method, move your coals to one side, and cook with Lid on BBQ.
  • Place foil package on barbecue -- Lower the lid and allow to cook, for 10-12 minutes per pound.
  • During last 10 minutes of cooking, open foil bag, and continue cooking, with lid open, basting frequently with accumulated juices.
  • Sprinkle the remaining capers over the cooked tuna.
  • Serve with sides of your choosing, and plenty of dry white wine; once again, of your choosing.
  • Serves 10-12 people, comfortably.
  • Times: Prep time - 40 minutes, includes cutting, chopping, preparation of Albacore Tuna.
  • Cook time -1-1/2 - 2 hours.

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  1. This might just be the best recipe ever. It's that good. The perfect blend of spices. I did not make exactly as written...I didn't have a whole fish but a bunch of little filets, which I spread with the shrimp filling and then rolled up. It was truely was to die for. Next time I run across a WHOLE fish (it happens occasionally) THIS is the recipe!
  2. Have not rated this yet, it looks great. Is the tuna skin on or off?
  3. I did not rate this RSC #7 recipe simply because I did not use a whole Tuna, a few ingredients or a charcoal grill (I am single and just cooking for myself). However, I did use a 2lb. whole Tilapia fish and baked in my toaster oven. With that said, I would rate this recipe **** 4 stars! It was fun "building up" this recipe and then wrapping up the fish/veggies in aluminum foil; I have never baked using this method. Thanks for sharing this most interesting fish recipe.


<p>Gone, but not Forgotten. Where is she? someone asked. Not far was the loud response. Certainly not hiding in a large roasting pan, although I do have one about the size of a hog. <br /> <br />If I don't do this now, I never will, and if I never will, who will tell me if I am any good at the literature game? I am taking some time off to concentrate on writing a book...and you people have been distracting me. Oh yeah, sez you... What kinda book? Well, one with about 200 pages, give or take a dozen or so... maybe 300 who knows? Everyone knows Toolie has a lot to say at the best of times. <br /> <br />A DIY book??? Naaahhh, I'll leave that to the real mechanics at Canadian Tire and Home Depot. <br /> <br />A Recipe Book? Yeah, Right!!!! Like I would compete with this site or any other... Not in this lifetime... I have a tough enough time competing with some of you chefs, so I just don't, and won't. <br /> <br />Oh sure, I will cook some of your recipes, for special occasions. Pictures? Who knows? but don't hold your breath. Posting in the forums? Perhaps, but not on a regular basis... Posting recipes??? from time to time.... <br /> <br />Why hang around, you say? Because I wanna keep my terrific handle. There is only one TOOLBELT DIVA folks... Dat Be Me! <br /> <br />Remember, be careful what you say, you might find yourself in the second paragraph of page 150, or thereabouts. <br /> <br />In October, 2007 my youngest sister, Marie lost her battle with ALS. In her memory, therefore, I post the following: <br /> <br />SISTERS <br /> <br />Time passes. Life happens. Distance separates. Jobs come and go. Love waxes and wanes. Hearts break. Parents die. Careers end. Life happens ... <br /> <br />BUT...... Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. <br /> <br />When you have to walk beside one dear to you in that lonesome valley, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf. <br /> <br />They will walk beside you, share your sorrow and share your tears, knowing all the while God is there with you, to give you the strength and faith you need and the everlasting blessings of healing love. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE HAPPEN IN THE WORLD (M. Gandhi) <br /> <br />IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE (Georges Eliot) <br /> <br />THAT WHICH WE PERSIST IN DOING BECOMES EASIER, NOT THAT THE TASK ITSELF HAS BECOME EASIER, BUT THAT OUR ABILITY TO PERFORM IT HAS IMPROVED. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) <br /> <br />Have fun everyone! Remember, look out for the guy in back of the guy in front of you!!!</p>
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