Quick Grape Jelly

"From The Southern Living Cookbook. A very simple jelly using bottled grape juice. Goes together in no time, so it's perfect for last minute gift ideas or beginning jelly makers. Uses hot water bath canning."
photo by gailanng photo by gailanng
photo by gailanng
photo by Bonnie G #2 photo by Bonnie G #2
Ready In:
4 half-pints


  • 2 cups bottled unsweetened grape juice
  • 3 12 cups sugar
  • 1 (3 ounce) package liquid pectin


  • Combine grape juice and sugar in a large Dutch Oven; bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Stir in pectin; boil 1 minute, stirring constantly.
  • Remove from heat, and skim off foam with a metal spoon.
  • Quickly pour hot jelly into hot sterilized jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Wipe jar rims. Cover at once with metal lids and screw on bands. Process in boiling water bath 5 minutes.

Questions & Replies

  1. Can you use butter
  2. can i feed this grapes recipe from bought juice to orioles?
  3. can this be made without sugar????
  4. Can you use grape juice from concentrate?


  1. I made this jelly yesterday. I followed the directions exactly. After one minute of hard boiling, I checked the temp of the jelly and it was 220° which is the proper temp. So I skimmed the foam, processed in boiling canned bath for 5 minutes. But it still hasn't gelled properly. That's why I have it 4 stars instead of 5. Now my question is, will it continue to gel? I read somewhere it can take up to two weeks. I'm hoping that I didn't do something wrong and it just needs extra time to set properly. Oh, by the way, the process was easy, and the flavor is really good. So thank you for sharing. Once I find out if it gelled properly, I'll update my rating to 5 stars, as this recipe is a keeper!
  2. Temporarily turned my teeth blue, though I believe that the stains on one's character are permanent. Excellent jelly!
  3. Great jelly recipe for first timers or seasoned jelly makers. Great taste as well.
  4. I made a batch of this and it turned out perfectly. My daughter takes a little container of this jelly and peanut butter with her cheese spreader to school, it works perfectly on crackers and bread .I am going to try and use other juices to see how that turns out. I love canning recipes!!!!
  5. Bought some premium grape juice from a winery and boosted this recipe by 1 1/2 times. Wonderful flavor and deep, dark purple color. A keeper!



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