Roasted Chestnut Pate

"The nutmeg and allspice make a perfect holiday addition to the creamy texture of the chestnuts. This pate works as an immune boost as well as increasing the cheer factor of any party. By Julie Daniluk R.H.N., Chatelaine Magazine."
photo by magpie diner photo by magpie diner
photo by magpie diner
Ready In:




  • 1. Preheat your oven to 425°F.
  • 2. Make a crosscut across the round side of each chestnut to keep them from exploding, and arrange them along with the unpeeled garlic cloves on a cookie sheet.
  • 3. Roast until the skins have pulled back from the cuts and the nutmeats have softened (exactly how long will depend upon the chestnuts, about 20 minutes for small, 25 minutes for large.).
  • 4. Remove the nuts from the oven, make a mound of them in an old towel, wrap them up, and squeeze them hard to release the skin. Allow to cool until you can peel them.
  • 5. Peel the garlic cloves out of the skins, and sauté with the onions over medium-high heat until lightly caramelized.
  • 6. Sprinkle with nutmeg and allspice and cook for 1 minute.
  • 7. Crumble chestnuts into the pan mixture. Add the olive oil, vinegar and water and cook for 4 minutes or until the chestnuts are moist.
  • 8. Allow to cool, then pour ingredients into a food processor and process until smooth.
  • Makes 6-8 servings.

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  1. Thank you for introducing me to this Kat. I've never cooked with chesnuts before, well at least not with the real thing, and look what I've been missing out on! They do involve a bit of time especially for scoring & peeling, but not difficult and worth the effort. I don't know if you can find jarred/tinned chestnuts, but you really couldn't sub the asian water chestnuts here (in case anyone is thinking that....). I bought a 500g bag and used about 1/2 for this recipe. I also found this clip to be helpful, because I wasn't entirely sure how to score them. This has great flavour, it seemed like quite a bit of allspice and nutmeg, but when it all comes together it really works. If you're not a fan of ACV, you could probably take the down by 1/2. The only thing I changed was to add some parsley because it was very "brown", and added in a little extra water & oo in processing, I probably had slightly more than 1 cup of chestnuts. I think this will be devoured with some crackers on Cmas. Thanks again!


I'm a now vegan who used to make one heck of a souvlaki. I love cooking, I was a huge fan of Moosewood and Molly Katzen prior to going vegan (although that has nothing to do with my choosing the name Katzen - that's just what my German Grandma has called me all my life.) Aside from cooking, I also love scuba diving, cycling, politics, and reading.
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