Smoked Salmon and Avocado Wraps

"This recipe is from James Reeson of Alive and Cooking show Australia. I found it to be a delightful, light and delicious lunch, I only made a half recipe which calls for mountain bread which is a square flat bread which measures about 11" x 11". You can make this ahead as an appertizer serving in bite size pieces or take for a lunch whole, I have put the serving size as 1 as being in a wrap for one person."
photo by FLKeysJen photo by FLKeysJen
photo by FLKeysJen
Ready In:
1 roll




  • Mix together the avocado, dill, mayonnaise, mustard and lemon juice until all combined.
  • Lay down 1 piece of mountain bread and smear with the avocado mixture, then top with the smoked salmon and shredded carrot and top off with the lettuce and then roll up the mountain bread nice and tight, wrap firmly with cling wrap and place in the fridge (overnight is great), cut into slices and serve.

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  1. Lovely combo of colors, textures, and flavors. Since I had the larger Florida-style avocado which is creamier, I skipped the mayo. This addicting avocado-dill-mustard spread would also make a good salad dressing. Love these and will make again!
  2. My DH loves smoked salmon, and avocado, so I made this for his packed lunch.<br/>Instead of mountain bread I used a wrap, as he prefers them.<br/>He liked the combination of flavours, but wasn't a massive fan of the texture combination....but that's more to do with him than the recipe I suspect....hence why I haven't awarded any stars.<br/>Sorry Pat.<br/>Made for PRMR.


With the demise of the forums and with no more interaction on site with what was a great community and it was a pleasure to get to know so many of you over the years and to have had the privilege of meeting some of you in person. For me now this is just another recipe site like to many on the net, it has lost its specialness, such a pity especially when Scripps changed the name from Recipezaar to and made this statement sorry cannot replicate here as considered invalid but they basically said yes the community was valuable hence .com was short for community but it was a pack of lies as they were not willing to put the money into that community and got rid of the forums which was the community so for .com has become .crap.
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