Spicy Pork with Cellophane Noodles (Ants on Trees)

"Cellophane noodles with spicy sauce speckled with bits of pork- the "ants" in the dish's name. Always popular. Have made a vegetarian version using tofu instead of the pork."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
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  • Marinate the pork: In a small bowl combine the pork with the marinade ingredients.
  • In a bowl soak the noodles in warm water for 15 minutes, drain and cut into 3- 4 cm pieces.
  • In a wok heat the vegetable oil over moderately high heat and stir fry 1/4 cup of the shallots, garlic and ginger for 30 seconds.
  • Add pork and chilli and stir fry the mixture, breaking up the lumps until meat is no longer pink.
  • Add noodles, broth, soy sauce, vinegar and sugar and simmer until the noodles have absorbed the liquid.
  • Transfer to serving plate, drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with coriander and remaining shallots.

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  1. This gets an A+ on taste. The texture of the finished dish was a little too gloopy for me, but I think that may just be the nature of cellophane noodles. I, too added scallions to the finished dish, to perk up the color and to add some contrasting texture. I was fresh out of fresh ginger, so (shhh to don't tell anyone) I used powdered. It was the good stuff, though, from Penzys. I'm thinking about using the marinade on sliced pork next time I do a stir-fry.
  2. Very easy and super good. My family loves cellophane noodles. The only change I made to the recipe was to toss the mixture with extra sliced green onions. Next time I might add some sliced red peppers or snow peas.
  3. That was really easy and good, with a nice spicy sauce. I think I took a much longer time stir-frying ginger, garlic and onions (with which I had to replace shallots, of which I didn't have any), and I used scallions instead of shallots for garnish. I'll definitely be making it again.


Work in hospitality, enjoy music, reading and cooking. Passion is honest and realiable people with a sense of humour. Pet peeve - bad manners. Very partial to all styles of asian food.
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