Spicy Steak Casserole

"A lovely, tender and extremely tasty casserole. This can also be thrown into the crockpot for 8 hours on low and comes out just as good. Can't remember where the recipe originated from. It was one I tried at a potluck dinner and the host had it scribbled on a bit of paper. I wish I had time to go through every steak recipe on this site to make sure its not here, but I haven't. NOTE: The preparation time includes marinating."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
3hrs 45mins




  • Place cut up steak into a casserole dish.
  • Blend the following ingredients in a bowl or jug and pour sauce over meat.
  • Marinate for at least 2 hours. This step is unnecessary if using the crockpot.
  • Bake at 160 C for 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
  • Thicken with cornflour and water if necessary and put back in oven for 10-15 minutes.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Perfect dish for fall! I used the crockpot so did not marinade. Instead of water used a can of beef broth. Served over rice with a tossed sald! Thanks for sharing.


  1. Perfect dish for fall! I used the crockpot so did not marinade. Instead of water used a can of beef broth. Served over rice with a tossed sald! Thanks for sharing.


We live in a town, in the South Island of New Zealand. We, being a husband (married 35 years), myself and three children: one 34 year old daughter, one 31 year old son and one 27 year old son. Of course, they've all flown the coop now. We also now have two little grandsons and two granddaughters. I'm not working now, so making the most of my time in the garden and catching up on stuff. Nice break after being a Cafe Manager/Barista. I love to bake, starting when I was about 12yo, continuing on as both a passion and a necessity while we raised our children. I'm now at THAT crossroads....hmmm.....what to do? I'm sort of swaying towards redesigning our back yard into a huge vegetable garden. Of course DH is pleased....hmmm.
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