Super Easy Fudgy Mini Chocolate Cakes

"Baking has never been easier than this! These little cakes are meant to be served warm. You can put the batter into little cupcake tins earlier in the day and then refrigerate until you are ready to bake them and just pop them in the oven just before you finish you dinner, so you can end the meal with a decadent chocolate dessert. Make sure that the butter, egg and chocolate are at room temperature before you start. Drizzle chocolate or caramel glaze over, whipped cream or anything you desire! You can cut the complete recipe in half for 4 mini cakes."
photo by ella_chiu2000 photo by ella_chiu2000
photo by ella_chiu2000
photo by Marie Nixon photo by Marie Nixon
Ready In:
8 mini cakes


  • 8 ounces semisweet baking chocolate
  • 12 cup butter, room temperature
  • 3 large eggs, room temperature
  • 23 cup sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 2 tablespoons flour


  • Set oven to 350 degrees.
  • In the microwave or a small saucepan, melt the chocolate with butter, stirring until smooth.
  • In a bowl, whisk together egg, sugar and salt until yellow and light.
  • Whisk in the melted chocolate batter to combine.
  • Add in the flour until thoroughly combined.
  • Grease or butter 8 cupcake tins.
  • Evenly divide the batter between each tin.
  • At this point you can refrigerate and bake later.
  • Bake for about 12 minutes, just until the tops crack.
  • Remove the cakes from the oven.
  • With a tea towel or oven mitts, place foil on top of the cupcake tins and seal on all sides.
  • Turn over onto a flat surface and bang the bottom of the cupcake tins.
  • Remove the cupcake tins to leave the cakes upside-down on the foil.
  • Carefully turn right-side up and place on a plate.
  • Serve immediately.

Questions & Replies

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  1. These are very, very easy to make and taste great. I actually got 11 cupcakes out of the recipe. I made sure all of my ingredients were at room temperature. One suggestion is that before you put the aluminum foil on to flip them, use a thin spatula to go around and loosen each cupcake. They will fall right out if you do that.
  2. I cannot believe more people havent made this recipe! I always want to make those molton chocolate cakes but they always call for ramekins which I am sadly without. So I though I would try these out and while the center is not liquidy, it is fudgy and delicious! I would reccomend these to anyone, fast, easy and delicious!
  3. These are way too easy and very delicious! very chocolatly, they do not rise very much, something like a little brownie but better and richer, we all loved these! thanks kitty!



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