Turkey & Homemade Noodle Soup

"A delicious and filling turkey frame soup with homemade noodles! Worth every second of fixing it!"
photo by boy named Sous photo by boy named Sous
photo by boy named Sous
photo by boy named Sous photo by boy named Sous
photo by boy named Sous photo by boy named Sous
photo by boy named Sous photo by boy named Sous
Ready In:
2hrs 6mins
1 bowls




  • Using a large piece of cheesecloth, bundle up the carcass and add 1/2 white onion and a handfull of celery tops.
  • Tie the bundle securely.
  • Boil turkey bundle for about 5 to 6 hours. In the meantime, mix salt and 5 eggs and whip with fork until lemon yellow. Add 6 tablespoon water.
  • Pour over the 5 cups of flour in a large bowl. mix well, scraping sides. Turn out onto counter, mine is wood so it does not stick, even without extra flour. You may need to flour yours first. Get your husband or teenage son.or rent one for the occasion, lol. Have them knead the dough till it gets smooth and almost glossy.
  • I use my Pasta Queen hand crank pasta maker at this point. Go to Recipe #78459 to find out how to hand roll them.
  • After making them, toss with flour to prevent sticking to each other and lay them out till needed.
  • When ready to add to the soup, shake off excess flour.
  • After the carcass is done boiling take the bundle out and put it in a bowl to drain - do NOT open bundle yet!
  • Strain soup through a fine mesh strainer and return to pot. Pour drained liquid from bundle and after straining add this to pot also.
  • Bring broth to a boil and add carrots Boil for 8 minutes then add celery, turkey and noodles. Make sure noodles do not clump when added by stirring while adding.
  • Cook soup for 9 minutes more.
  • Soup's on!

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  1. This was the first time I made noodles by hand. It was not as hard as I thought it would be and they really made the difference. In my husbands words: "Outstanding! Would like to have this again any time." The only thing I will do different next time is to add more seasoning to the broth. I typically make stock with a roasted turkey carcas, but also add some celery and carrot, as well as fresh thyme and peppercorns to the stock to make it very flavorful. Made for PAC Fall 2009


Homeschooling mother of 7. Married 24 years this September. Our oldest boy was sous chef at a local restaurant, hence the name I picked for myself. He graduated from Culinary college last Spring and now he works as Sushi chef at the hottest sushi joint in town. It's not as challenging culinary-wise and he misses that, but sushi eaters are BIG tippers and he is saving up to go overseas for mission work. Two years ago I decided to take control of my health and life. And that included quitting a 30 year smoking habit on Feb. 12, 2006 and losing 30 lbs. I have succeeded in doing both! I feel great and I am getting very adventuresome in my life. I now walk all over town, ride my bike, have been known to skateboard :-) and on my 45th birthday I went and jumped off a BIG rope swing into a (COLD!) lake. YIKES! I have also been getting adventuresome in my cooking and eating. I love eating more than I love cooking, but mostly because 90% of the kids AND my husband likes junk food and I don't! I joined zaar's to start making yummy healthy foods for myself, and hopefully in the process, convince the rest of the family that good food is Good Food! My whole lifestyle and way of eating/cooking has so totally changed that I really need help figuring out how to cook so my family is satisfied, and yet healthy. <img src="http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j166/ZaarNicksMom/PACsticker-Adopted.jpg">
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