Winter Wonderland Pecans

"Snow white buttery toasted pecans that look wonderful placed on your holiday table. This is Bird's own recipe for something so simple and yet so yummy! Great for gift giving as well. These can be enjoyed year round. Be careful as they can become addicting! If you'd like to send your senses into a yummy frenzy of 'hot & sweet', try adding a dash or two of cayenne pepper into the mix. ;)"
photo by mailbelle photo by mailbelle
photo by mailbelle
photo by Artandkitchen photo by Artandkitchen
photo by loof751 photo by loof751
photo by BarbryT photo by BarbryT
photo by Sharon123 photo by Sharon123
Ready In:
1 pounds




  • Preheat oven to 250°F Place pecans into a large wide bowl. Set aside.
  • Add spices to melted butter in a small bowl and stir. Pour over pecans, tossing gently to coat. Spread pecans evenly in a single layer onto a baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and allow to cool to room temperature. Place pecans in a plastic grocery bag filled with the powdered sugar. Holding the front and back sides of the bag, roll pecans by alternating lifting each side to tumble the pecans to coat thoroughly (like a tumbler or cleaning a bowling ball).
  • Shake off excess sugar and place into a decorative serving dish (covered if not eating right away).

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  1. These are very yummy! I made a very small batch; just 1 cup pecans, a sprinkling each of nutmeg, salt, and cinnamon. I used 1 1/2 tbsp Smart Balance with Flaxseed Oil spread for the butter. I microwaved the Smart Balance for 15 secs and stirred in the seasonings, then tossed the pecans in. I sprayed a piece of foil lightly with nonstick cooking spray and cooked for 13 mins. I used 1 1/2 tbsp powdered sugar and coated them in a quart Ziploc baggie. Next time I'll use a bit more cinnamon and nutmeg, as those flavors didn't come through enough for me. But these tasted great and I'm glad they cooled off so fast because I couldn't wait to try them. Made for Please Review My Recipe tag game. Thanks so much for sharing, I will make these again for sure, and most likely a full batch to share at gatherings. :)
  2. Great pecan recipe! Easy to make too. I made one batch just as directed and loved them; made another with double the cinnamon and nutmeg and really loved them :) Thanks for sharing the recipe!
  3. DH couldn't stop eating these. Said they were Sooooo good! Thanks for a great recipe!
  4. What's that saying? You can't eat just one! I love the combination of a little salty and a little sweet. I took them out of the oven after 12 minutes, but next time will leave them in for the full 15 minutes for a little toastier taste. Delicious and very easy to do! Made for PRMR tag game.
  5. I'm big on cinnamon so used a bit more than given in the recipe, but otherwise the recipe was made as given & the resulting pecans were DELICIOUS! Easy to make & a wonderful treat! Think I'll keep this recipe around! Thanks for sharing it! [Tagged & made in Please Review My Recipe]


  1. YUM! I made a teeny batch cause I wasn't sure of the sweetness and they were great! DH is already demanding more lol In place of the nutmeg (I couldn't find mine) I used pumpkin pie spice.


Original Zaaarite. Food lovers. Lynnda passed away in March 2020. Her recipes live on here for everyone to enjoy and Rick continues the tradition. We will forever live together through our food. Live well. Eat well.?
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