Bechamel - Basic White Sauce

"Formula for making a thin, medium and thick white sauce."
photo by -Sylvie- photo by -Sylvie-
photo by -Sylvie-
Ready In:
2 cups




  • Scald the milk with the onion, bay leaf and peppercorns.
  • Cover and let infuse off heat for 10-15 minutes.
  • In a heavy based saucepan, melt butter, whisk in flour and cook, stirring, until the flour is foaming but not browned- about 1 minute.
  • Off heat, strain in the hot milk.
  • Whisk well, then bring to a boil, whisking constantly until the sauce thickens.
  • season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and leave to simmer slowly for 1-2 minutes.
  • NOTE: This make what is called a "MEDIUM" Bechamel.
  • For a "THIN" Bechamel use 2 tbs. butter and 2 tbs. flour.
  • For a "THICK" Bechamel use 4 tbs. butter and 4 tbs. flour.

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  1. thanks for the proportions. I used the recipe to make 4.5 cups of condensed mushroom soup for a broccoli bake. I found that 8 tbls of flour and 8 of butter were perfect with one cup of sauteed mushrooms. I will always used this quantity for my 3.2L baking dish with. Before it was guess work and I was always nervous, but now I am confident of my sauce being thick enough and the right quantity to cover the veggies. Thanks a lot.
  2. Fabulous and foolproof ... the nutmeg is what I most remember when I used to make this a HUNDRED years ago. Don't be afraid of using the nutmeg I always use freshly grated and it brings this basic sauce to another level. Thank you for posting.
  3. Delicious! I love the infusion of onions and bay leaf (I didn't use peppercorns because I didn't have them) and I added one garlic clove to the infusion. Great flavor. I skipped the nutmeg and I used this sauce on a pizza and I am going to make this again to serve on pasta. Thanks for sharing this recipe.
  4. Hello from Portugal, this is indeed a lovely sauce I make it often, the only difference in mine is that I add in a raw egg yolk in the end, and mix really well. It gives it a creamer texter. Another good receipe you've posted Kiwidutch, Thank-you.
  5. Wow! I've never made it quite this way before with the scalded infused milk... so savory and smooth. And the nutmeg adds just the right compexity. Made for Please Review My Recipe.


  1. I drizzled the white sauce over the butternut squash ravioli. I did substitute Vanilla Almond Milk for milk and it was mildly nutty and delicious! Next time would just top it with some crushed pecans :) Thanks for sharing!



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