Hummus from Dried Chickpeas

"When I was on WIC I had dried chickpeas rather than canned so I had to adapt the hummus recipe. This basic recipe can be varied by adding black olives, roasted garlic, red peppers, or other ingredients -- just look at the packaged hummus in the deli for inspiration. You can even substitute peanut butter for the more expensive, and sometimes difficult to find, tahini for a budget-friendly variation with a different flavor that some people prefer. It makes a big batch that can be frozen in handy quanities. Best made the day before, but I can never keep my family out of it that long."
photo by janerisphoto photo by janerisphoto
photo by janerisphoto
photo by janerisphoto photo by janerisphoto
photo by janerisphoto photo by janerisphoto
photo by janerisphoto photo by janerisphoto
Ready In:
2 quarts




  • Bring chickpeas to boiling then simmer about 1/2 hour until tender.
  • Drain chickpeas, reserving liquid. Let stand until cool enough to handle. (Using warm to hot chickpeas makes it possible to process a softer texture that will then stiffen to a nice, spreadable paste).
  • Process in blender or food processor in 2-3 batches according to the size/capability of your equipment. Use enough of the chickpea cooking liquid to get a texture like soft peanut butter.
  • Mix the batches together in a large bowl.
  • Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. (If you need more garlic return a half batch to the blender, process it smooth, and stir back into the rest).
  • Pack in freezer containers of an appropriate size for your household.
  • Tip -- This makes a nice hostess gift when attractively packaged.
  • Tip -- Tahini often separates in the can or jar. Rather than trying to mix it in the can then measure it just put the whole can/jar into the blender, whip it up, and pour back the excess.

Questions & Replies

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  1. This is a very good basic recipe. Using dried chick peas rather than canned is way cheaper so you can add that extra tahini, cumin etc. and still turn out something that's much better than the supermarket variety and for less cost. I added some red chilli to give it a slight edge, plus as others have suggested more cumin and tahini. Going to try it with chopped Kalamata olives next time.
  2. If you want any flavor in this hummus you will need to add a lot more spice than what the recipe calls for, and to really make it pop out splash in a few tablespoons of vinegar (I used white wine vinegar). Without vinegar it was pretty bland. I also added sriracha for some kick. Just keep tasting it and adding flavor until it meets your expectations.
  3. Consistency was okay. 1 cup of tahini ruined it though. No flavor in this recipe just tastes like tahini spoon fulls. MAYBE A HALF A CUP TOPS
  4. Soaked dried beans overnight. Brought to boil, have been simmering for about 2 hours, still not tender? Help.
  5. How much is 1lb of peas if measured in cups? 2? 4?



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