Nana's Pineapple Cranberry Freeze

"In South GA, it gets HOT! As a diabetic, my DH's mother (Nana) eats a little of this to cool down and to raise the blood sugar a bit. I don't know about that...I just think it's an interesting combo of ingredients (unlike others posted on Zaar) that I can't get enough of....but she's right about one thing. Little squares of this is great to pop on a really hot day! Cut into little squares and put into a airtight stays soft enough in my freezer to eat right away. This is easy to double and/or freeze in individual serving cups for the Holidays. Put the individual cups in freezer bags. Cook time is freeze time"
photo by Caryn Dalton photo by Caryn Dalton
photo by Caryn Dalton
photo by Caryn Dalton photo by Caryn Dalton
Ready In:
3hrs 5mins




  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  • Pour into an 9x13 inch square dish, cover and freeze for at least 3 hours.
  • Move from freezer to refrigerator 30 minutes before serving. Cut in small bite size squares and store in the freezer in airtight and freezersafe container. These are good!

Questions & Replies

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  1. This is a great, easy make-ahead recipe. I used it as a salad for a family I took a meal to. I tasted it before freezing and decided to add 1/4 cup sugar, as it seemed a little tart. Next time, I'll make it per the recipe, but wanted to make sure when taking it to someone else. Thanks!


I've lived in several states, and they have all added a bit of "flavor" to my culinary preferences. I love comfort food and as I've aged, I seek ways to make old favorites more healthy. For me, healthy is defined by what we have learned about gut health over the years. I no longer cook the way I used to, but I still crave those old favorites. It's quite likely that something I posted here more than a decade ago is no longer made in my kitchen, or has been greatly altered to fit our new model. I appreciate it when people take the time to post great recipes because the internet is so much quicker and convenient to use than my stash of cookbooks, cherished as they are. I also appreciate reading reviews that people post, providing they are actually helpful. I just don't understand rudeness, competitiveness and the like and wish people didn't feel the need to inject negative attitudes into all the positive. I feel a site like this one can help many people and it's a great way to collaborate and share treasures in our kitchens. I'm glad to have access and to be a part of the community.
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