Patacones (fried Plantain)

"I learned how to make this from my Colombian mother-in-law. They are very simple to make, and taste great. They taste best when they are hot out of the skillet. We eat them a lot for breakfast, along with either fried eggs or scrambled eggs with tomatos and onion. They also make a great side dish."
photo by esteban photo by esteban
photo by esteban
photo by esteban photo by esteban
photo by esteban photo by esteban
photo by LucyS-D photo by LucyS-D
photo by LucyS-D photo by LucyS-D
Ready In:
16 Patacones


  • 4 green plantains (do not use yellow, or yellowish green. It vastly changes the taste)
  • vegetable oil
  • salt


  • Peel Plantain, and cut it width wise into 3 or 4 pieces.
  • I have found that the easiest way to peel the plantain is to cut roughly 1/4" off of each end of the plantain (the very tips), and then carefully, without cutting into the plantain itself, slicing the skin down one side.
  • Once you have slit the skin on one side, you can gently pry the peel off with your fingers.
  • Heat 1" of vegetable oil on medium heat until hot.
  • Fry plantain pieces on both sides for about 3 minutes, or until the pieces are golden.
  • When they are golden, remove from pan and place onto a plate covered with a paper towel.
  • Flatten the fried plantain.
  • I do this by placing the pieces one at a time between 2 pieces of waxed paper, and flattening with my hands.
  • Be careful not to put too much pressure, or the plantain will stick to the waxed paper.
  • Just gently flatten them till they are about 1/4" thick.
  • Place in the hot oil again and fry until both sides are golden brown.
  • Drain on paper towel covered plate (be sure to change paper towels in between the 2 fryings) and sprinkle with salt.
  • Serve immediately.
  • For an extra special treat, eat the patacones with a thin slice of queso blanco (salty white cheese) on top.

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  1. Patacones are always good. I am from the Caribbean, and this recipe is quite similar to how we make them at home. The only suggestion I have is, try the bottom of a tall glass or a square of wood to flatten the patacones instead of using your hands - just for safety and they flatten better that way. ONE TIP: do never use olive oil, because the patacones won't get crisp. ANOTHER TIP: green platanoes skin give off a sticky substance when you peel them and that's quite difficult to remove with just soap and water. To remove it easily, rub your hands throughly with cooking oil and a teaspoon of table salt. Your hands will feel baby-soft after that, too ;].
  2. I have a Colombian mother-in-law as well! When she makes patacones she dips them in a bowl of very salty water with garlic before refrying them. This gives them a great flavor and is a nice adaptation.
  3. AH-MAAAZING! I'd eaten patacones in restaurants and they always seemed delicious and mysterious to me. I had no idea they were so incredibly simple to make -- and the salt/garlic suggestion completely bumps this recipe into perfection. I tried them with and without the salt/garlic water dipping step and flavor-wise I think the dipping adds a subtle I-don't-know-why-this-is-so-addictivly-good component. Thanks so much for sharing everyone!!!
  4. These look great. They remind me of a popular Jamaican breakfast. In our version though we use ripe plantains (very ripe) and slice then diagonally.
  5. This is exactly how my Colombian DH taught me to make them. The hardest part for me was to realize that you are not supposed to fry them to a crisp, but rather like french fried potatoes - crisp outside and tender inside.



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