White Clam Spaghetti Sauce

"This is an inexpensive tasty dinner! Add a garden salad and it is hard to tell it cost so little to make! Enjoy!"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
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  • Drain clams, saving 3/4 cup of juices.
  • Set aside.
  • In a skillet, slowly heat the olive oil and butter, add garlic and saute until golden.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Stir in saved juices, add parsley, salt and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat; simmer uncovered 10 minutes, add clams and simmer 3 minutes longer.
  • Serve hot over cooked spaghetti or other Italian pasta and top with Parmesan cheese.
  • This white sauce will cover about 1/2 pound of pasta.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I consider this recipe average at best. For one thing, I would not call the sauce a "white sauce" other than the fact that no tomato sauce was added. It is inexpensive and easy to prepare, but the quality reflects just that.
  2. LOVED this recipe!!! Used 4 cans of clams, tad EVOO, tad butter, some chic broth, cracked red pepper, thyme ~~ and sauteed some white 'shrooms, celery and red onion ~~~ Then, when the sauce had married long enough, I julienned some fresh baby spinach and added that ~~~ YUUMMM!!!
  3. Everybody else has already said it: This recipe is fast, easy, and delicious. A keeper.
  4. This is the perfect delicious, quick meal. I've made it twice now, and the whole family gobbles it up. This time I took a chance and added just a spoonful of pesto to the mix (despite my DW skepticism) and it was a nice twist. Thanks!
  5. This is a fantastic clam sauce! Not so complicated that you lose the clam flavor, like a lot of recipes. I made almost double the sauce, as I didn't want to waste any yummy clam juice! Even my 4 year old loved this, after I explained that the "chicken" wasn't chewy, it was clams... ;-) Made with Anme's garlic knots off this site. Fantastic meal, and thanks so much for sharing. I will definitely make this again.


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