Chewy Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies

"These chocolate chip cookies are great! It's hard to stop eating them! You can also drop them by rounded Tbsp, and bake about 10 minutes."
photo by oriana photo by oriana
photo by oriana
photo by Hannah Petertil photo by Hannah Petertil
photo by Suzie photo by Suzie
photo by Suzie photo by Suzie
photo by d0_dia photo by d0_dia
Ready In:
55-60 Cookies




  • Preheat the oven to 375°F for regular pans and 350° for dark pans.
  • In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda and salt.
  • In a large bowl, cream together the butter, both sugars, and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add eggs and beat well.
  • Gradually add in the flour mixture. Beat well.
  • Stir in the chocolate chips and nuts.
  • Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets.
  • Bake in the middle of the oven about 8 minutes or until lightly browned. Do not overbake.
  • Cool slightly.
  • Remove from the cookie sheets and cool completely on a wire rack.
  • Tip: Store cookies in an airtight container and add a piece of soft white bread or a slice of apple to keep cookies soft. Change the bread or apple every day or two.
  • Cookies may also be frozen for longer storage. (Make sure they're tightly wrapped).

Questions & Replies

  1. what am i doing wrong all my cookies are coming out like wafers. Even chilled the dough. Oven at 350 bake 13 minutes (tablespoons) using parchment paper. would send pictures if i could


  1. i just took these out of the oven and got a nice big glass of milk to go with one. they were amazing. mine took about 10 minutes beacuse they were still really raw at 8 but my oven is also a little tricky. these are so good, i am having a hard time not eating another. i willl use this recipe from now on. cripsy on the outisde, crunchy and chewy on the inside. my kind of cookie!
  2. Tried this recipe today with my 3 year olds assistance it was very easy and came out just the way it said; chewy and delicious!! My better half refuses a hard cookie and I know he will love these!! My kids enjoyed them warm with a glass of cold milk to dunk them in!! Thanks again!! Will keep this recipe for sure!!
  3. EXCELLENT!!! Love your recipe Meryl. I rounded them by TBSP and turned out great! I made these for our new neighbors and I'm sure they will enjoy them. I have tried many different cookie recipes and yours is a keeper in our family. BTW...I have a silver baking pan from Sam's Club and I spray a little oil to prevent cookies sticking.
  4. Made this recipe last night because I wanted some chocolate chip cookies but only had one stick of butter. I'm glad I found this recipe! I made my cookies very big and they required about 14 minutes bake time. We really liked these, but I think we still prefer the "back of the bag" cookies the best. But I will definitely be making these again too. Thanks for posting!
  5. These burn on the edges and stay raw in the center. I will search for a better recipe for chocolate chip cookies. I tried this recipe twice.


  1. Good cookie! Made them large and got 38 cookies. They baked for 11 minutes and were crispy on the edges and chewy in the center. Used powdered ginger instead of vanilla as that was what I had at the moment. The dough was very stiff and I had a bit of trouble incorporating the chocolate chips. Did not use the optional chopped nuts, wonder if they would fit in. Thanks for posting.
  2. This is the best chocolate chip cookie recipe I've ever made - and I appreciate the relatively reduced amount of butter. Like some other reviewers, I omitted the nuts (personal preference) and used the lesser baking time; the only other change I made was to use 1 1/4 cups of whole wheat pastry flour, and 1 cup of oat flour in place of the all-purpose flour. My husband and brother-in-law, both major chocolate chip cookie fans, went crazy over these. Thanks for a great choclate chip cookie, it's the only recipe I make now.
  3. These turned out yummy. I took them into work for a work event, and they were a hit. I used M&Ms in place of the chocolate chips and nuts. I also made mine rather large, and got about 30 cookies. Thanks!



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